Catalog Production Details
New Title Submission
Blank New Title Spreadsheet (Download .xls file) (ISBN-13, Title, Author, Suggested Retail Price, Format, Trim Size, Page Count, Genre (list up to 3 genres/sub-genres in order of relevance), Release Date (month of arrival in the CPG warehouse.)
A spreadsheet has been provided for this information. BISAC categories are important please use the correct BISAC. Email to: tdoherty@cardinalpub.com & gbock@cardinalpub.com
Catalog Space Information
We print and distribute 2,500 catalogs twice a year, which are distributed at trade shows, to booksellers, specialty accounts, wholesalers, libraries and our book reps throughout the country.
Catalogs are full color 8.5×11 saddle-stitched paperbacks usually 48 pages and divided into three sections: frontlist, best of backlist, backlist features. There is no charge for standard listings of backlist titles and no charge for the distribution of the catalog. Secure your premium space for all new titles and select backlist titles. All backlist titles still in print will automatically be included in the appropriate backlist category at no charge. Frontlist Inside Section (new titles only)* featured in the front section of each catalog it includes a description of the product, author and marketing plan, etc… Only books featured in this section must participate, all other programs are optional.
Contact marketing to get the details on reserving space in our next catalog.
Catalog Copy Submission
Catalog Placement Reservations – All publishers releasing new titles will automatically be assigned one Frontlist page or ½ Frontlist page per new title. Please email your requests for Featured Backlist, Backlist Category Feature and Front and Back Cover Preferences. Email: gbock@cardinalpub.com
Book Cover Submission
Covers – 300 dpi color jpeg, sized to up to 2 MB. Email: tdoherty@cardinalpub.com & gbock@cardinalpub.com
Catalog Schedule
A schedule of deadlines:
For the Spring/Summer catalog showcasing books being published between March and August reserve your space and have your metadata ready by the end of August the previous year.
For the Fall/Winter catalog showcasing books being published between September and February reserve your space and have your metadata ready by the end of January.
For details and specific dates for metadata send your request to Ginger Bock.
Category and BISAC Information
Tip Sheets
Tip Sheets (a.k.a. AI Account Information, or NPI New Product Info) – Using the provided template include an expanded version of all the information on your sell sheet, plus an analysis of the marketplace and competitive titles. This is the main document used by our metadata managers, marketing department, and sales reps. It contains information you do not have room for on a sell sheet, or wouldn’t be appropriate for the sell sheet. Consider comparative titles carefully and select titles that have similar content, format and price, but also include books with differing features that may still appeal to the same consumer as your book. Include a note with each comparative title about why it was selected. Avoid phrases like “appeals to everyone.” Buyers are more impressed if you can illustrate a good understanding of your target consumer and your ability to reach it. Statistics and demographics, expanded marketing/PR plans and a clear definition of your intended audience are also important parts for an effective Tip Sheet.
Sell Sheets
Sell Sheets (a.k.a. Flyer, One-Sheet) – 1 Page Color Flyer, electronic format (PDF or MS Word.) Sell sheets are used when presenting books to category buyers at retail chains and specialty accounts. This should include all the title file information, author bio, product annotation and marketing copy. Send us a PDF under 1MB and mail 25 copies. Publisher Name & Logo: Place at the top of your sell sheets the publisher name and your logo. This will help to brand your items. On the bottom place Distributed by Cardinal Publishers Group and our contact information to assist customers in ordering the book.
{Your Publisher Imprint Name Here} is distributed by Cardinal Publishers Group
800-296-0481 (voice) • 317.352-8202 (fax)
**If you cannot produce your own sell sheet, or prefer that CPG produce it we can design a flyer for $100.00 a title including cost of printing up to 25 color copies. A PDF will be provided to you upon request. If you provide the PDF flyer but chose not to print and send us the 25 copies, you will be charged $35.00 for the copies that Cardinal Publishers Group must make.
Sell Sheet Examples
Tips for Creating Sell Sheets
Sales Materials
CPG Logos
CPG small logo
CPG TIF Logo (Right-click and Save As…)
Additional Materials
(Optional – may include color cover or page proofs, market analysis, public relations and marketing plans, press kits, sample chapters, author bios, table of contents, peer blurbs, endorsements and/or reviews, advance reading copies (ARC)*, etc.) are requisite to a comprehensive and effective sales presentation. Please send all materials in as electronic PDF or MS Word files and when appropriate 15 to 25 hard copies.
* ARC/Galleys can be useful to your reps and are important for your marketing efforts. When available send four to six copies to the CPG office attention Ginger Bock. Perfect bound galleys (ARC) are preferred, but comb bound is accepted. If you need help call or email Tom Doherty for information on how we can help you.