Did you know that you can eat for longevity, a healthy gut, heart disease risk reduction, and still love every bite you take? Well, now there is some great information that will help you. Health and nutrition in a no-nonsense guide – Forking Wellness is that guide.

The book not only escorts you through what “balanced” eating really means, but it also helps you apply mindful eating and eating  intuitively.

The following comes from a Meet the Authors Question and Answer Session with the authors of Forking Wellness: Your No-Nonsense Guide to Health and Nutrition.

The book demonstrates a 360-degree approach to health and nutrition. Often we see two ends of the spectrum in the nutrition industry that leave people feeling like there is no grey area. We take into account different lifestyle factors that may impact your outlook in regard to nutrition and give you the tools you need to make positive changes to improve your overall wellbeing. We wanted to provide a resource for people that was easy to digest and provided a more “doable” approach to wellbeing.  

This book is aimed to help anyone that wants to learn more about nutrition and the impact it can have on our health – both physically and mentally. Whether you lead a busy on the go lifestyle, are a full-time parent, or take a more laidback approach, there is something in this book to suit everyone.

The approach the book takes intends to help improve your overall wellbeing – something we can all benefit from during these times. It is packed with nutrition information that can help us maximize our health. Besides the food we eat, our approach includes prioritizing self-care, stress management, and sleep. Now, more than ever, it’s time to invest in yourself and your health. 

Meet the Authors

 Sophie Bertrand is a Registered Associate Nutritionist (ANutr) with a BSc Psychology degree, an MSc in Clinical Nutrition, and is the founder of Sophie’s Healthy Kitchen.

 Sophie is a non-diet nutritionist and believes it is possible to find the right balance between eating well, enjoying the food you love, and being healthy at the same time. 

Bari Stricoff is a Registered Dietitian (RD) from New York, who moved to London to complete her Masters in Eating Disorders and Clinical Nutrition at University College London (UCL). Throughout her career as a dietitian, Bari has worked in both the clinical and private sectors, working with in- and out-patient clients to help them achieve their nutrition-related goals.

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 Happy Reading!

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