Submission Guidelines
Submit Your Book for Review
Submitting your inquiry for full service national book distribution is simple. At Cardinal Publishers Group we look for independent publishers dedicated to carving out a niche in the marketplace and backing their books with a solid marketing and public relations effort. If that describes your line consider sending us information on your book(s), author(s) and marketing plans to our address. If you have information on the future plans for the development of your line send us that information as well.
Cardinal Publishers Group
Attn: Tom Doherty
2402 North Shadeland Ave., Suite A
Indianapolis, IN 46219
317-352-8200 (voice) / 317-352-8202 (fax)
www.cardinalpub.com / tdoherty@cardinalpub.com
Attn: Tom Doherty
2402 North Shadeland Ave., Suite A
Indianapolis, IN 46219
317-352-8200 (voice) / 317-352-8202 (fax)
www.cardinalpub.com / tdoherty@cardinalpub.com