Indiana Crosswords, 3rd Edition


How well do you know the Hoosier state?  Here’s a way you can test your Indiana knowledge and learn a few new bits and pieces of information along the way. Indiana Crosswords, 3rd Edition is a fun collection of puzzles and trivia from the Midwestern mecca of corn and basketball. This book contains puzzles with topics such as famous Hoosiers, Indiana wildlife, Hoosier sports, Indiana crime, Indiana festivals and Indy racing.

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How well do you know the Hoosier state?  Here’s a way you can test your knowledge of Indiana and learn a few new bits and pieces of information along the way. Indiana Crosswords, 3rd Edition is a fun collection of puzzles and trivia from the Midwestern mecca of corn and basketball. This book contains puzzles with topics such as famous Hoosiers, Indiana wildlife, Hoosier sports, Indiana crime, Indiana festivals and Indy racing.

Indiana Crosswords, 3rd Edition also includes word searches for younger readers. Some of the topics they will explore will be comprised of Indianapolis attractions, state parks and sports teams. Stuffed with fun facts, this book is not only an essential addition to any Indiana trivia lover’s library, it’s a must-have for those who want to learn more about this beautiful Midwestern state.

This book is written to be enjoyed by adults and youths alike. You can work the puzzles during a quiet time by yourself. Or you could have a little fun challenging your friends and family to see how much they know about Indiana.

About the Author

H.W. Kondras has authored or co-authored several other volumes of crossword puzzles. Some of the book she has written include Vampire Fun & Games, Detroit Red Wings Trivia, Fun and Games, Seek & Find Indiana, Florida Crosswords among others. She resides in Terre Haute, Indiana.

Additional information

Weight .48 lbs





Trade Paper








Blue River Press


6 x 9

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